
This map layer shows the human development of a country in 2015 by way of the Human Development Index, classified in four categories.

The two graphs below the map window show the five countries with the highest and the five countries with the lowest Human Development Index for 2015.

Example of how to read the map:

In 2015, Paraguay had a Human Development Index-value of 0.69 and is thus a country with a medium human development.


  • UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

    Since 1990, the UNDP publishes the annual Human Development Index (HDI). This is used as a global indicator of wealth and shows ‘differences in development.’ The Index is made up of various dimensions of human development: life expectancy, years of schooling and further education, education index and the gross national income. According to their index value, countries are assigned to one of the four classes: Very highly developed countries, highly developed countries, countries with medium human development, and countries with low human development.


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