In-depth articles


Weapons of mass destruction - A political term

The term weapons of mass destruction has a long and changing history. There is no generally recognized definition or one that is binding under international law. UN Security Council Resolution 1540 of 28 April 2004 gives one indirect definition that is widely used by policymakers and in society.

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Nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction that derive their destructive force from nuclear reactions, the fission or fusion of the atom.

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Biological weapons

The United Nations consider biological weapons as "systems that disseminate disease-causing organisms or toxins to harm or kill humans, animals or plants". Together with nuclear and chemical agents, they make up the group of so-called weapons of mass destruction.

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Chemische Waffen

Chemical weapons

As a means of mass destruction, chemical weapons claim many fatalities and injured but are relatively cheap to produce. While chemical weapons were first developed and used during World War I, their use continued in World War II, the Vietnam War and the first Gulf War (1980 to 1988).

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Means of delivery

Depending on from where they are deployed, means of delivery can be categorized into land-, air- and sea-based systems or, based on their function, in air defence, sea- or land-based cruise missiles.

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Fallstudie - Die Proliferationsgefahr: Iran und Israel
Fallstudie - Die Proliferationsgefahr: Nordkorea

Case study - The danger of proliferation. North Korea, an example

In April 2012, a formulation was included in the constitution of North Korea that the country “is in possession of the atomic bomb” (North Korea officially declares itself as a nuclear power). In 2006, 2009, 2013 and 2016, the authoritarian state have carried out a nuclear test.

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Atomwaffen in Europa

Nuclear weapons in Europe

Nuclear weapons have shaped Europe’s history of for nearly 60 years. In March 1955, the US armed forces began to store atomic bombs in the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Siamesische Zwillinge

Siamese twins - The civilian and military use of nuclear technology

The civilian and military use of nuclear technology can be compared to Siamese twins. They are so closely connected that one can hardly separate them. The civilian use of nuclear technology can create knowledge, materials and technology that can also be used for a military nuclear programme.

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Versuche der Risikobegrenzung

Nuclear terrorism - Myth or a real danger?

The fear of a nuclear weapon in the hands of terrorists is nearly as old as the weapon itself. Already in the early 1950s did Robert Oppenheimer, one of the fathers of the US-American atomic bomb, warn that three to four people could destroy New York...

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Schmuggel von radioaktivem

Illegal trade in nuclear and radiological material

Nuclear material originates from nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and research reactors. Radiological materials are substances with a rather low radiation, used in industry and hospitals (particularly radiotherapy).

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Biologische Waffen und biologischer Krieg
Die Forschung an Kampfstoffen
Verbot ohne Überprüfung

Bioterrorism - Myth or real Danger?

The threat of the Cold War was hardly over when concerns arose in the Western world that terrorist groups would be able to acquire weapons of mass destruction and use them for vicious attacks. The use of biological weapons by such ‘super terrorists’ seemed to be a particularly grave danger.

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Chemische Kampfstoffe - Eine Typologie

Chemical warfare agents - A Typology

According to what chemists know, the material world consists of more than 40 million of different substances of which 80,000 are also produced artificially. A proportion of these substances has harmful effects on humans or nature.

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Chemische Kampfstoffe im Einsatz

Use of Chemical Weapons

The deployment of chemical weapons has some ‘advantages’ for the military: Chemical weapons as weapons of mass destruction can kill a significant number of people or soldiers in a more or less large area.

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C-Waffen-Verbot, Nichtverbreitung

Buchhandlungen bangen um die Buchpreisbindung

Data tables

For some select map layers, the information portal ‘War and Peace’ provides the user with all used data sets as tables.

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Magnifying Glass in front of a Boston map

Country portraits

In the country reports, data and information are collected by country and put into tables that are used in the modules as a basis for maps and illustrations.

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Compass with Mirror

Navigation and operation

The information and data of each module are primarily made available as selectable map layers and are complemented by texts and graphs. The map layers can be found on the right hand side and are listed according to themes and sub-themes.

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