This map layer presents in ten categories how many millions of people live within 30 and 150 km of nuclear power plants. The centre of the circles corresponds to the location of a nuclear power plant.
Example of how to read the map:
South Africa has one nuclear power plant. 720,000 people live in a radius of 30 km around that power plant; 5.34 million live in a radius of 150 km.
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), founded in 1957 represents the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Its headquarters is in Vienna; besides that there a number of regional offices. About 2,300 experts from over 100 countries work in the Agency. Its main areas of work are nuclear security, science, technology, security clauses and checks of nuclear facilities. The annual Nuclear Safety Review publishes the global state-of-art of all nuclear power stations that are operating, pausing, shut down, planned or being decommissioned and their current status. In addition, the IAEA makes available data bases on research reactors worldwide and an information system on nuclear power plants.
CIESIN - Center for International Earth Science Information Network
The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) was founded in 1989 as an independent NGO in the federal state of New York. The institute focuses on research about correlation and interaction between human and environment. For this they publish a huge number of global data sets. Beside information about climate, agriculture or infrastructure CIESIN administrates a data base about the global population, which is based on national and UN-statistics. This allows a temporal and spatial differentiated comparison.