Environmental safety
What do we understand by environmental security? What countries are particularly affected by climate change? For what regions is there a forecast of an increase in temperature or rising sea levels? Which countries suffer from a scarcity of water? What does 'virtual water' mean?
The module “environmental security” offers answers to these questions in the three thematic fields environmental security, climate change, and water, land & soil.
The thematic field environmental security presents the global distribution of environmental conflicts. The topic climate change shows, in addition to the main causes of the global rise in CO2, the countries which are affected in the context of climate change, especially in relation to rising temperatures and sea levels. The scarcity of natural resources (water, land and soil) plays an essential role in mitigation and adaptation strategies towards climate change. The thematic field water, land & soil also examines the meaning of the resources water and land, which are often linked to violent conflicts in public debate.