The BICC conflict matrix

Why do people wage war? Many people are quick to identify some alleged basic evil that is solely responsible for all violent conflicts of today and the past—be it religion, capitalism or the reputed belligerent, wicked and greedy human nature. More often than not, such abbreviated statements do not do justice to the complexity of the topic. There is no easy answer to what the root causes of wars are. Violent conflicts can have many causes. In the history of humankind, there has probably been not one single war that can be traced back to one single cause. The factors that suddenly make a group decide to enforce their goals with violence against another group are both diverse and multifaceted.

To corroborate this observation, BICC has designed a matrix that clearly and systematically arranges the various ideas and theses on the causes of war The matrix is based on a qualitative understanding of war that understands the collective use of physical violence as a process. According to this, causal explanations for the outbreak of wars are allocated to different categories of causes based on a logical set of steps.

Catalysts before outbreaks of violence
Catalysts after outbreaks of violence

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