UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict

The UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict was founded in 1996 with the aim to improve the availability of data and to increase the public awareness of violation of children's rights in conflict situations. The annual published reports distinguish between six types of crime against children (homicide and wound, recruitment and use as a child soldier, sex assaults, attacks against schools and hospitals, kidnapping, denial of humanitarian aid). If theseIn case such crimes are observed, affected countries and opposing parties are obligated obliged to cooperate and ban those with the help of a campaign.


Buchhandlungen bangen um die Buchpreisbindung

Data tables

For some select map layers, the information portal ‘War and Peace’ provides the user with all used data sets as tables.

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Magnifying Glass in front of a Boston map

Country portraits

In the country reports, data and information are collected by country and put into tables that are used in the modules as a basis for maps and illustrations.

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Compass with Mirror

Navigation and operation

The information and data of each module are primarily made available as selectable map layers and are complemented by texts and graphs. The map layers can be found on the right hand side and are listed according to themes and sub-themes.

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