
On the basis of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), this map layer shows the perception of corruption in five categories for the year 2017.

Example of how to read the map:

The Corruption Perceptions Index of Cuba is 47; this corresponds to an average susceptibility to corruption.


  • Transparency International e.V.

    Transparency International e.V. is a non-profit organization that publishes the Corruption Perceptions Index on an annual basis The Index measures the perceived degree of corruption among politicians and officials. The majority of the 175 countries under review scored less than 50 points on a scale from 0 (perceived as highly corrupt) to 100 points (perceived as little corrupt). The Corruption Perceptions Index is a composite index that is based on different censuses conducted with experts and companies alike, carried out by nine independent institutions. For this Index, business people and country analysts are interviewed, and censuses conducted with nationals of a country, whether they live in the country or abroad, are also taken into account.


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