This map layer shows the degree of participation of the population in the political process of a country by way of an index value, classified in three categories, for 2011 and for all available countries.
The Electoral Self-Determination dataset in an annual index that describes the opportunities for co-determination of the population in political life and in elections. The Index differentiates between three classes of participation in the political process:
Not respected by the state; i.e. there are neither free nor fair elections; the right to self-determination is massively curtailed; governments regularly retaliate against citizens who claim or try to exercise that right.
Respected by the state to some degree, i.e. there are moderately free and fair elections; full execution of the statutory right of self-determination may be curtailed (example: intransparency of the election process).
Generally respected by the state, i.e. there are regular, free and fair elections; the citizens are legally entitled to the right of self-determination and can be fully exercised.