Current possession of nuclear weapons
very high
> 1.000
1.000 - 100
very low
< 100
very high
> 1.000
1.000 - 100
very low
< 100
very high
> 1.000
1.000 - 100
very low
< 100

This map layer shows the three categories of possession of nuclear weapons for the year 2018.

Since 1945, more than 128,000 nuclear weapons have been produced, 55 per cent of which in the United States, 48 of which in Russia. Since 1986, the number of operational nuclear weapons has decreased, as the United States and Russia have bound themselves to cut down the number of active nuclear weapons. But nuclear weapons are withdrawn from service more quickly than disposed of so that an inactive holding of nuclear weapons exists. Beyond this, nuclear powers continue to modernize their stockpiles or even re-arm themselves. It is important to observe that only data on the military stockpile has been provided for the United States and Russia!


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